Wednesday 27 May 2015

We interrupt this blog...

Taking a few days off for some much needed R&R with our Texas partners in crime, Rodney and Melody. Back in a few days, hopefully with SIGNIFICANT progress to show on the cottage. Stay tuned!!!

Monday 25 May 2015

Reno - Day 16

The reason there's no pics of the progress today is because works have come to a standstill! Today's visit to the cottage consisted of a meeting with ourselves, the builder and the plumber, where those two had a right go at each other followed by a couple of rounds of the Blame Game. After some tense moments and a few tears, (mine, not theirs) we have come to some sort of an agreement to get the works back on track. In the meantime, I think there's a bottle of wine in my near future!

Saturday 23 May 2015

Friday 22 May 2015

Reno - Day 15

I've waited for this day for a long time - the day they fitted the kitchen 😊 Here's a sneak peek -

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Reno - Day 14

The rads have gone in - it's going to be toasty!

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Reno - Day 13

Today the work has moved outside to replace the fascia and soffits. Lookin' good!

Monday 18 May 2015

Reno - Day12

Time to start picking paint colours - Pale Peacock or Duckegg Delight?

Sunday 17 May 2015

Outbuildings are a Bonus!

What a gem this is! What was once a chicken coop will make a nice workshop.  With a little help from a very talented carpenter friend, this will be an interesting  project. I'll post the "after" pics when it's finished, so watch this space!

Saturday 16 May 2015

Reno - Day 11

More channels dug for the rads.

Meet the Neighbors

Had the pleasure of meeting these two this morning!

Thursday 14 May 2015

Reno - Day10

The gas tank was delivered and left in the front garden until it can be relocated at the back of the property and connected in a week or so. At least we know that nobody will walk off with it!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Reno - Day 9

I thought the Grand Canyon was in Arizona!  They dug the channels today for the rads. 

Reno - Day 8

Windows are in and looking good!

Sunday 10 May 2015

Reno - Day 7

I love my fireplaces, but this one has to go. We moved the kitchen into the old dining room, so this will be blocked up. We will be adding an Inglenook to the new dining area later on to take advantage of all the free firewood outside!

Saturday 9 May 2015

Reno - Day 6

Insulation going on exterior walls in the kitchen. It's going to be so cozy!

Thursday 7 May 2015

Reno - Day 5

Oops! Accidents do happen when there's so much activity going on in the house.  This will be as good as new by the time it's finished!

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Reno - Day 4

Today the door and all the windows went in, and I think I'm in love!


As long as I've dreamed of a cottage, the dream always included a stable door. This is my new favourite thing. I just love the look of it. How do you feel about this door?

Reno -Day 3

Today was demolition day, as you can see from the full skip!
                 GaGa taking a closer look

Sunday 3 May 2015

Irish Road Bowling

The road in front of our new cottage plays host each weekend to Irish road bowling tournaments. This is a time-honoured sport here in County Cork. Learn more about road bowling here

On this rainy Sunday morning, I decided to pay a visit to see the renovation progress without all the construction going on. As I neared the cottage, the street was lined with bowlers and spectators who cleared a path for me to pass. As I stopped to reverse into the driveway, what immediately followed was my most embarrassing moment since I've been in Ireland! I managed to stall the van trying to negotiate the steep incline of our drive, so I started the engine and attempted to reverse again...and again....and again...After the 7th try, one of the bowlers came over and asked if I'd like him to back the van in for me. I gratefully accepted, telling him how I haven't completely grasped the whole manual transmission thing. He quickly parked it up, and as he exited the van, a big cheer and round of applause erupted from the bowling crowd lining the road. Needless to say, I was MORTIFIED!!!!

Friday 1 May 2015

Reno - Day 2

Good progress being made today!

The "after" pic once the kitchen wall came down. 

Stud wall for ensuite - turning one large bathroom into two.