Sunday 19 July 2015

What Makes a House a Home

For nearly four months now, most of our belongings have been stored in FIVE different places! There were the personal things that have moved around with us since March, the things we had in a rented storage unit, musical instruments and other things in our dear Mary's house, my bits of unfinished furniture projects in our niece's garage, and the rest of our bits and pieces kept for us by the farmer in one of his barns near our old house. It's been frustrating to have everything scattered in that way, but of course it was also very kind of our family and friends to help us out by storing the huge amount of things we've managed to accumulate! 

Over the weekend we moved nearly everything into the cottage, so now the unpacking begins. These are the things that feel like a warm hug as I find a new place for old treasures. Turning this cottage into our HOME is a labour of love. 

The bits on the mantelpiece - candlesticks that were an anniversary gift from my hubby, knick knacks from my travels, a chair given to me by my Mom, all the way from Texas. Add to these a cozy fire in the fireplace (with GaGa asleep in front of it!) and you have the recipe for a warm and fuzzy feeling!

Saturday 18 July 2015

In the Clearing

There's a good size outbuilding at the edge of our woods. A former chicken coop, we've opened it up to become my future workshop. Until now, it was hidden in the trees, which made  it very dark despite a large window. All it took was my handy hubby Seamus, his brother Kevin, and a chainsaw to take down some dead branches and let there be light!

We have LOADS more work to do in the woods, but this is a great start! 

Tuesday 14 July 2015

At Last!

Today marks the end of my numbered "reno" posts. With the painting finished, the major renovation works are complete. I say "major" because there are still HUNDREDS of projects to be done to return this cottage to its former glory. I'll continue my posts through each of these jobs, which should keep us busy for several years, by the look of it!

Today's pics are about unpacking the familiar things that make us comfortable. I've been looking forward to this for quite a while -

The porch has such pretty views, so I've added a couple of seats where we can sit and enjoy the scenery. 

Those horses are one of my favourite views. I can also see them from the sofa. 

Here's a front row seat for watching the road bowlers. 

Getting the bedroom painted made a huge difference! 

Cozy chair for chilly nights. 

Saturday 11 July 2015

Reno - Day 34

The troubles caused by our former plumber continue to compound. We qualify for a grant for upgrading our heating system, but the paperwork must be completed by the first plumber. Because we fired him after he wouldn't complete the remaining work, he's now refusing to complete the paperwork. Time to research our options to determine what recourse we have to go forward on the grant. 

Thursday 9 July 2015

Reno - Day 33

It's been a few days since any work was done, but we are making progress again. What a difference a bit of paint makes!! Here's a glimpse of the colours -

I thought the floors going in made the biggest difference, but I dare say now that it's the paint that makes it start to feel like a home. 

I have what's called industrial allergies, which means I have trouble with cleaners, solvents, paint, dust, smoke, pesticides. So for the past week I've been sneezing, coughing and tearing up from all the works going on. Every night I hoover the whole house and the next day it's back again!  Can't wait till the dust settles - literally. 

Thursday 2 July 2015

Reno - Day 32

The painter has been delayed until Monday, so I planted flowers today.