Monday 31 December 2018

“Painter of Light” Revisited

This is the time of year that my posts tend to go dormant. The garden is sleeping, and we visit family in the States. But today I am inspired to share with you an incredible chance encounter that happened a few days ago.

I was enjoying a visit and stroll through downtown Fort Worth with my dear friend, Anna.  On our way to a nearby restaurant, we passed an art gallery with many lovely, familiar paintings in the window that confirmed it was a Thomas Kinkade gallery!

For those who remember my original  Painter of Light posting, my obsession with cottages began many years ago with Thomas Kinkade’s beautiful paintings. Imagine my surprise to stumble upon this gallery and to actually meet the late artist’s sister-in-law, Laura Kinkade!  We had a lovely chat, and I told her how we named our cottage after one of his paintings!

It was such a thrill for me, and I’m so grateful to Anna for suggesting that we go in. Here’s
Thomas’s beautiful “Moonlight Cottage” -

Saturday 4 August 2018

Hydrangea Hype


I have slowly become obsessed with hydrangeas. They seem to grow themselves here in Co. Cork. In fact, there was an enormous Lacecap growing here when we bought the Cottage. It was overgrown to the point of being unmanageable, so I let my hubby talk me into cutting it to the ground. I fully intended to replace it with a rose hedge, but it came back flowerless but very healthy the following year. And THIS year, we got this -

Over 6 feet tall now!

This next one is a mophead that I got as a Mother’s Day gift 3 years ago. It was an indoor plant, but is thriving outside on a large pot -

I recently added these pink Annabelle shrubs put by the road. 

This is a miniature Curly Wurly that I keep on our porch -

I love the cupped petals on this one. 

I added 2 large Curly Wurly shrubs in pots to our patio.

The obsession is still growing, so next season we may add some white varieties to the collection!

Sunday 24 June 2018

In Living Colour

This is the time of year I dream about when I'm planning my garden design.  Colours are bursting forward all over Moonlight Cottage, and I am loving every minute of it!

Alyssum is one of my all-time favourites in the garden.

New lavender hedge is blooming nicely

I love the spiral trunk on this Bay tree

Night Sky petunias never disappoint!

You can never have too much PURPLE in your garden

New stone window boxes, guaranteed hurricane proof!

Words can't express how much I love these Curly Wurly hydrangeas!

Those lovely shades of pink and purple, and the cupped flowers make me smile. 

You may remember that last October, we lost some big trees to ex-hurricane Ophelia. It's interesting (and sad) how the absence of those trees has changed the landscape, literally, around our cottage.

The first thing I notice this summer is that part of the house, especially the kitchen, gets much warmer during the day without the benefit of those big shade trees.  More sunlight means more heat, and it also means MORE WEEDS.  I've never pulled this many weeds in my life as I've done the past couple of months!

We took advantage of a sale on trees a few months back, so we've now added these beauties to our back garden.

At the back we've planted five silver birch trees, just in front of that cool Monkey Puzzle tree
that was revealed after the big trees came down.

Here's another view of the birch trees. Just beyond are two red maples that 
we planted on either side of the new shed.

This is a baby Norway spruce. We had a huge one back here that we had to
cut down last year as it was dying.

The nursery also gave us 10 aspen trees. They're really just twigs,
but they are now leafing out and they were FREE!

Here's one of the Aspens just as buds began to open.  I can't wait to have
that beautiful fall colour. Aspens are fast-growing and lovely!

Judas tree right after planting in March. Back in Texas I had one of these,
we call them Redbuds.  Next spring it will be covered in purple blossoms.

Here's that Judas tree leafed out.

I have so many more ideas that I want to put into this beloved space, so stay 
tuned to see what comes next!

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Concrete Evidence

We finally made some much-needed additions to the outside areas. The first task was to pave the driveway.  You might remember the drive when we first moved in. There was a concrete base there, but it had all kinds of issues.

Not only did it have a big bump out at the street entrance, but it was also poured on top of an existing rock drive, putting the driveway level above that of the interior, resulting in damp issues inside our bedroom. To correct those issues, our builder dug it out and traveled it. This was a much better solution than the original, but we gradually concluded that the gravel was a bit treacherous for me to navigate in heels! It was also difficult  to roll the bins down to the end of the driveway on collection days.

We decided to pave the drive, so now it’s a tidy, smooth surface -

The next task was to put a footpath up to the clothesline and shed. That hill can be a real slippery slope, so a set of steps and a concrete path did the trick!

The next project will be to add some landscaping to soften the path. I’m thinking lavender, so stay tuned for the pics!

Friday 23 February 2018

Beaming with Pride

Anyone who knows me can't be too surprised that I ended up in an Irish cottage with a purple door and a white picket fence.  Those people will also not be surprised at our latest addition -

Sitting Room
Sitting Room
Sitting Room

Our builder extraordinaire, Anthony, made quick work of this project! I stained the beams the day before he and his assistant did the installation.

Thursday 22 February 2018

Re-Booting My System

Well friends, a lot of time has passed since my last post. A LOT.  Looking back on 2017, I only posted 6 times.  There was plenty going on, but nothing I felt like writing about, except for those 6 posts. So now I'm ready to fill in the gaps and get back to blogging!

As you may have read, my 90 year old Mom came to live with us from Texas at the first of the year, and she sadly passed on a couple of months later.  We all loved the time we had together, though not long enough.  She was an absolute joy, and not a day goes by without missing her terribly.

My husband Seamus was my rock after Mom was gone.  Luckily, he was home and with me every day for the first few months since his work is seasonal.  I threw myself into several different projects around the cottage and garden. That helped a great deal. I did this -

Gravel in place of grass = less mowing!
And this -

I LOVE this rocking bench.
And planted these - 

But somewhere along the way, something happened.  My hubby started his tours and I was alone a lot. And then, the big, beautiful spruce tree behind the cottage died and had to be removed. I know that doesn't sound like a tragedy, but  after that, I just couldn't find the joy in the things that usually bring me joy.  

I stopped crafting. I stopped painting furniture. I stopped walking in the forest. I started binge-watching telly.  Oh, and binge eating junk food.  You know, REALLY productive stuff!! LOL

And if that weren't bad enough, Mother Nature brought us the first-ever hurricane to Ireland in the form of Ophelia.  And this was the result -

I thought I cried when we lost the ONE tree - In total, it was over a dozen large trees, including the huge cypress that came down on top of our new shed. The insurance examiner was quick enough to come out and assess the damage, but due to the widespread damage across Ireland, getting our site cleared took a couple of months. When the clearing was done, this is what we were left with -

And here are a few of the Before and Afters -









It breaks my heart to see the AFTERS, but it's important to remember how it was before so it can hopefully be again. I am determined to plant more TREES, and lots of them!!!

Once the trees were taken away and the shed was rebuilt, both my hubby and I suddenly got the home improvement bug again - FINALLY!!!

So, at long last, I'm happy to say that new projects have sprung up at Moonlight Cottage! Stay tuned, because I have plenty to show you in my upcoming posts. I try not to leave you hanging too long this time!