Sunday 15 September 2019

Going out in a Blaze of Glory

Here in the Co. Cork countryside, summer has been winding down over the past few weeks to make way for another beautiful autumn. Blooms are making a dramatic last stand before relinquishing the spotlight to the yellows and oranges of the new season, and we are loving the show!

Here’s a few of my potted plants currently adorning the potting bench—

This is a fresh batch of “Mind Your Own Business”

One can never have too many Hydrangeas!

The sweet smell of Gardenia. 

Beyond the bench is the tree throne & weeping willow

My first attempt at Morning Glories has been glorious!

Geraniums and climbers to beautify the “ugly shed”

Here’s a few “volunteers” that have popped up this year.  Gotta love bonus plants!

Waiting in the wings are the ripening pumpkins. This year I’ve added a few new varieties since we expanded our patch. We’ve got white pumpkins and mini pumpkins in addition to the traditional orange beauties.  Here is their progress so far —

You can be sure we’ll have more pumpkin updates in the weeks to come, so stay tuned!

Saturday 22 June 2019

Mind Your Own Business

I recently was introduced to this fascinating little plant that packs  a powerful punch! Also called Baby Tears, but here in Ireland it’s known by this sassy name. In fact, I  had an exchange with a woman on a gardening page who thought I was being cheeky  when I answered the question, “What is a plant you’re currently growing that is hard to find?”  I commented with, “Mind Your Own Business”, and she called me rude. When I tried to clarify, this was the conversation that followed -

Me:  It’s a plant - Mind Your Own Business 
Her:  It is my business. We are both on this page. 
Me:  But do you understand that the name of this plant is actually “Mind Your Own Business“?
Her:  I did not. My apologies. 

I  had read that it makes a good ground cover, so I purchased a single plant and divided into 16 small plugs. We shall see if this troublemaker is a good alternative lawn for the roadside grass. More photos
 to follow!

Friday 3 May 2019

No Fake Flowers - Ever?

There’s an unspoken rule among gardeners that says NO ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS EVER. 

And as a gardener, I have extreme disdain for fake flowers, vines or greenery of any kind. You will never find a single artificial arrangement in my home. I use fresh and dried flowers only, and when there’s a lack of either of these, I wait. 

The whole botanical experience for me is so much more than visual. I’m as addicted to the smells and feel of all I grow as I am to the look of them. For me, anything that’s not real just drastically cheapens the effect. 

That being said, I’ve broken my own rule with THIS. 

I have a pair of these that I put out each summer in front of the cottage. They are so OBVIOUSLY artificial that they make my head spin. And yet, here they are. 

First, let me explain. I intended to hang lush baskets here, filled with petunias, trailing lobelia, and geraniums. In fact, that is what I did. But I soon learned that those baskets, when wet, get so heavy that they threatened to pull the brackets AND the cladding off the wall. So somewhere in the search for a quick replacement, I found these totally fake purple orbs. 

Maybe I’m being too hard on myself, but I feel like such a hypocrite, yet not enough to take them down. And I hate myself for liking them!

I keep waiting for someone to drive by and shout, “Those aren’t REAL!!!”

Friday 12 April 2019

Where Shamrock Grows Wild

I love growing shamrocks inside the cottage.  Always fleeting, but certainly cheerful! 

I especially love how they grow wild and like this when you put them in a less sunny spot. Those lovely long stems twisting and flailing toward the light are one of my favourite things!

No wonder these little plants are so beloved - easy and inexpensive to grow, and guaranteed to bring a smile to your face!

Saturday 30 March 2019

New Beginnings

This is always an exciting time of the year here at the cottage. Seeds have been sown , ground has been tilled, fertilised and weeded. 

This for me is exciting stuff. My Boston Ivy is getting an early start this year. I’m looking forward to seeing our front wall completely covered in it. This stuff grows really fast once it takes off!

And let’s not forget the Bluebells! It’s the first big wave of colour for the season, and here you can see the buds just starting to peek out -

And finally, look who’s back at work??

It’s my beloved Summer Hubby! This and the clocks changing tonight tell me that springtime is really here.
Happy planting, everyone!

Thursday 24 January 2019

Crafty like a Fox

It’s no secret that I love my garden. But during these bleak months when I can’t be outside, I must bring nature indoors. This is how my passion for crafting was born. 

Once I had filled the cottage with my painted furniture, I started my small crafting business ,Lovely Things by Luna Claire

 Working in my garage studio can be a chilling experience this time of year, so to keep busy I’ve added papercraft to my creations, handmade in the warmth of my cosy country kitchen!

Taking my inspiration from my feathered and furry friends, I call this line Moonlight Cottage Cards & Papercraft, and it’s officially my new obsession —