Thursday 4 June 2015

Reno - Day 22

Today I have good news and bad news - 
The good news is that they fitted the fireplace today and it is DIVINE!

There is a lovely gas fire insert that will be fitted shortly to finish this off, but already I think it totally makes this room!

Now for the bad news -  the gas crowd has deemed the gas tank as too close to the garage, so that means paying for a digger for another day and further delays in getting the tank certified and filled so that we can have gas for hot water, cooking and heating.  

Time for a glass of wine...

1 comment:

  1. Step 1 - Blame George.
    Step 2 - Fire George.
    Step 3 - Hire Richard's plumbing guy in his place.
    (all of the above can now be done since Seamus is on tour & won't be the bad guy) :-)
    Step 4 - Have your glass of wine in hand during steps 1-3.
