Friday 28 August 2015

A Booth with a View

On my list of things I've always wanted in my "dream house" was a breakfast bar or booth with a nice view.  Don't ask me why, just something that has always been on my mind.


When I got the first look at this particular window in our kitchen area, I knew I'd have to do something with it.

So after my quest to find matching monks benches that I could paint, then for a pub table of the right size that I could add a graphic to, this is what I came up with.

I wanted to raise the "booth" up to improve the view, so we had our carpenter, Evan, construct one out of rough cut wood - 

Using a nifty vinegar and steel wool technique for quickly ageing the wood, here is what the finished result looks like -

This raises everything up by 6 inches, just enough to put you in the window.

So here's a few different angles of our breakfast/afternoon tea/drinks booth -


I had my tea here this morning, and all I can say is, the Moonlight Cottage Cafe is now open for business!