Sunday 15 September 2019

Going out in a Blaze of Glory

Here in the Co. Cork countryside, summer has been winding down over the past few weeks to make way for another beautiful autumn. Blooms are making a dramatic last stand before relinquishing the spotlight to the yellows and oranges of the new season, and we are loving the show!

Here’s a few of my potted plants currently adorning the potting bench—

This is a fresh batch of “Mind Your Own Business”

One can never have too many Hydrangeas!

The sweet smell of Gardenia. 

Beyond the bench is the tree throne & weeping willow

My first attempt at Morning Glories has been glorious!

Geraniums and climbers to beautify the “ugly shed”

Here’s a few “volunteers” that have popped up this year.  Gotta love bonus plants!

Waiting in the wings are the ripening pumpkins. This year I’ve added a few new varieties since we expanded our patch. We’ve got white pumpkins and mini pumpkins in addition to the traditional orange beauties.  Here is their progress so far —

You can be sure we’ll have more pumpkin updates in the weeks to come, so stay tuned!

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