Wednesday 13 April 2016

The Great Outdoors Part 2

We've done some sprucing up around the outside of the cottage, and things in the garden are beginning to bud and bloom.  Here's some of the latest pics -
Freshly mown grass and trimmed back shrubs for a new start!
Pansies are always show cheerful, don't you think?

This will soon be a popular location for breakfast or a nice cup of tea.
Tea for two - won't you join me?

Here's a bonus - These lovely bluebells were residents of the cottage long before we were!

So graceful are their blooms...

And they are growing everywhere!

Like here...

...and here.

We've even cleaned up that "ugly" area!

And in front of the wall is ready for grass and flowers, another project!

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more blooming pics.  

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