Monday 10 April 2017

Ringing in the Bluebells

I love this time of year. In our little corner of Ireland, it's the time when things start to come alive. The cows are back out in the surrounding fields, the birds are singing and nesting, and everything is starting to bloom.

When we first moved in here, I noticed bulbs shooting up through the ground and remember thinking that I might have to dig those all up if I didn't like the colour. I was pleasantly surprised when they turned out to be bluebells!


They're so cheerful, and they are everywhere - 


They are even growing around this old jug that I'm using to make a fairy garden. 

Mom was really looking forward to seeing the bluebells in bloom. She didn't quite make it, but today I picked few and made a little bouquet just for her. You'll always have flowers, Mom. 💗


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