Thursday 5 October 2017

“Autumn Leaves and Pumpkins, Please”

“Advice from a pumpkin: be well-rounded, get plenty of sunshine, give thanks for life's bounty, have thick skin, keep growing, be outstanding in your field, think big." -- Unknown

I’ve always had a fascination for pumpkins. I think part of it is how very fleeting they are - we don’t give them a thought until October, and by Christmas they are long forgotten. 

This is my first attempt at growing these beautiful orange orbs. Truth be told, it’s my first attempt at growing any kind of vegetable. A normal person would start with some simple like tomatoes, but then, I have never claimed to be normal!

I can tell you that after just a couple of months as a pumpkin farmer I am 100% hooked!! I’m already planning a pumpkin patch on a much bigger scale for next year. In the meantime, here’s a few pictures of the current crop for your viewing pleasure —

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