Sunday 24 June 2018

In Living Colour

This is the time of year I dream about when I'm planning my garden design.  Colours are bursting forward all over Moonlight Cottage, and I am loving every minute of it!

Alyssum is one of my all-time favourites in the garden.

New lavender hedge is blooming nicely

I love the spiral trunk on this Bay tree

Night Sky petunias never disappoint!

You can never have too much PURPLE in your garden

New stone window boxes, guaranteed hurricane proof!

Words can't express how much I love these Curly Wurly hydrangeas!

Those lovely shades of pink and purple, and the cupped flowers make me smile. 

You may remember that last October, we lost some big trees to ex-hurricane Ophelia. It's interesting (and sad) how the absence of those trees has changed the landscape, literally, around our cottage.

The first thing I notice this summer is that part of the house, especially the kitchen, gets much warmer during the day without the benefit of those big shade trees.  More sunlight means more heat, and it also means MORE WEEDS.  I've never pulled this many weeds in my life as I've done the past couple of months!

We took advantage of a sale on trees a few months back, so we've now added these beauties to our back garden.

At the back we've planted five silver birch trees, just in front of that cool Monkey Puzzle tree
that was revealed after the big trees came down.

Here's another view of the birch trees. Just beyond are two red maples that 
we planted on either side of the new shed.

This is a baby Norway spruce. We had a huge one back here that we had to
cut down last year as it was dying.

The nursery also gave us 10 aspen trees. They're really just twigs,
but they are now leafing out and they were FREE!

Here's one of the Aspens just as buds began to open.  I can't wait to have
that beautiful fall colour. Aspens are fast-growing and lovely!

Judas tree right after planting in March. Back in Texas I had one of these,
we call them Redbuds.  Next spring it will be covered in purple blossoms.

Here's that Judas tree leafed out.

I have so many more ideas that I want to put into this beloved space, so stay 
tuned to see what comes next!

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