Saturday 4 August 2018

Hydrangea Hype


I have slowly become obsessed with hydrangeas. They seem to grow themselves here in Co. Cork. In fact, there was an enormous Lacecap growing here when we bought the Cottage. It was overgrown to the point of being unmanageable, so I let my hubby talk me into cutting it to the ground. I fully intended to replace it with a rose hedge, but it came back flowerless but very healthy the following year. And THIS year, we got this -

Over 6 feet tall now!

This next one is a mophead that I got as a Mother’s Day gift 3 years ago. It was an indoor plant, but is thriving outside on a large pot -

I recently added these pink Annabelle shrubs put by the road. 

This is a miniature Curly Wurly that I keep on our porch -

I love the cupped petals on this one. 

I added 2 large Curly Wurly shrubs in pots to our patio.

The obsession is still growing, so next season we may add some white varieties to the collection!

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